Skin Problems

The skin Forms a notable protective barrier against the exterior world, helping regular the temperature and the liquid equilibrium, not to enter microbes and damaging chemical substances, and offering the natural protection against the sunlight. Hair grows, the sweat, the products grease for the car-lubrication, and they give an exact perception of the sound, of the heat, of the cold, and of the pain, as well as the most complex sensations such as tickling, the stinging feeling, and the pressure.

The caliber of the skin varies in different places from body, of the delicate and thin weaving of the eyelid, to the thickness, quilting harshly of the heel. Some places have private characteristics - the luxurious growth of hair in the scalp, sweating in the armpits, the discrimination extremely-tuned up of the sound in the fingertips - but the basic structure of the skin is the same one all over, although its true thickness vary among different physical types. The redheads, for example, they have considerably more thin skin than brunettes, and, consistently, the skin often reacts with more sensibility.

The outside of the three layers of skin, the epidermis, understands the cells skin surface "corneas" you died, and of the fundamental cells of "prickle", that move to replace them up as they are freed (around 90 percent of dust of house is the dead cells of skin). The epidermis contains also melanocytes, the cells that secrete melanin, the pigment responsible for varying the color of skin. The production of the melanin is stimulated for the sunlight: in the white careers this creates a tanned, that offers some protection against the additional exposition to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Under the epidermis is the medium layer, or the dermis, a large fibrous one and layer of protein that contains capillary follicles, the sweat, and sebaceous (producing of petroleum) glands, and sensory receivers specialized to transmit information about the sound, about the temperature, and about the pain. The cells of the stick in the dermis respond to the physical damage or chemist freeing histamine, a substance that carries to allergic answers.

Finally there is a layer of the subcutaneous fatty weaving that gives the skin its feeling of the softness and the fatness and acts as isolation against the cold. The blood vessels that supply food to the exterior layers of the skin are carried in this layer.