The chance that your child will be killed by an add/adhd drug are about million-to-1. This is as likely as winning the lottery and as life changing.
If you are faced with a life or death condition, these are good odds and acceptable. Add/adhd is not life threatening. Add/adhd is a attention disorder problem, a behavior problem, a poor grade problem, and more noise than you like problem.
Add/adhd untreated will not lead to death. Why would you expose your child to even a one-in-a-million chance. Perhaps for a little ease. Or more likely, we have been convinced by others, who are not motivated by the welfare of our children. These people accept the odds as part of doing business.
There are many ways to lose the life of your child. And we go to some efforts to prevent it. We lock up our guns, use seat restraints in cars, lock up cleaning supplies, block electrical outlets, make them wear helmets, and others preventive measures.
With all this effort, you would think that we would do a internet search on add/adhd deaths and determine the risks of this non-life threatening condition.
Add/Adhd is a lack of nutrition problem. Our life style causes us to use up neurotransmitters. And our current food supply (as great as it is) is limited in nutritions which the body needs to make more neurotransmitters.
Neurotransmitters are used in the communication process between the brain and the body. Shortage of neurotransmitters can cause unclear or scrambled messages to be received by the body. These confusing messages or commands are the symptoms which we identify with add/adhd. This is add/adhd simply explained.
Life is full of risks which we must take to live. This risk is small. Are you motivated to take it? What would you do if your child was the "one". Someone must be the "one" who dies to make the odds of a million-to-one.
This small risk has a very easy solution. Get a natural supplement designed to give the body what it needs to replace the lost neurotransmitters. No drug, no risk, increase the neurotransmitter production and the add/adhd symptoms may decreased or even go away.